Executable client tools


lofarBFcube : GUI tool to load fits cube data for LOFAR beamformed observations

Command line tools

Dynamic Spectrum

  • h5toFitsDS

    Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.
    usage: h5toFitsDS [-h] [--t_c_ratio T_C_RATIO] [--f_c_ratio F_C_RATIO]
                      [--flip_freq] [--minutes_per_chunk MINUTES_PER_CHUNK]
                      [--num_chunks NUM_CHUNKS] [--chop_off] [--averaging]
                      [--flagging] [--t_idx_cut T_IDX_CUT] [--target_directory]
                      [--date_directory] [--simple_fname] [--add_ksp_logo]
                      beamformed_dataset output_directory
    Split and down sample the dynamic spectrum of LOFAR observation Input : Huge
    hdf5 file of LOFAR Tied array beam formed observation Output : Small fits file
    with json and png quickview (by Peijin.Zhang & Pietro Zucca 2019.08)
    positional arguments:
      beamformed_dataset    Input BeamFormed dataproduct
      output_directory      output directory
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --t_c_ratio T_C_RATIO
                            compression ratio of the time
      --f_c_ratio F_C_RATIO
                            compression ratio of the frequency
      --flip_freq           flip the frequency axis (set to upper start)
      --minutes_per_chunk MINUTES_PER_CHUNK
                            time chunks in minutes
      --num_chunks NUM_CHUNKS
                            number of output chunks, -1 means to the end
      --chop_off            chop every **interger** 15 minutes
                            [00:15,00:30,00:45....], default True
      --averaging           use averaging to downsize, otherwise use sampling
      --flagging            flag data before averaging
      --t_idx_cut T_IDX_CUT
                            length of t-index for convolution, 8192 means about
                            195MB for 6400 channels
      --target_directory    use long directory name, (e.g. out/sun/xxx.fits)
      --date_directory      use long directory name, (e.g.
      --simple_fname        use simple file name, for daily summary, format
                            YYYYMMDD_hh (e.g. 20201212_02.fits)
      --add_ksp_logo        showing ksp logo
      --add_idols_logo      showing idols logo

measurement set

  • pymsOverview

    usage: pymsOverview [-h] [-v] FILE
    positional arguments:
      FILE           MS file with full directory
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -v, --verbose  detailed info
  • pymsCookWscleanCMD

    usage: pymsCookWscleanCMD [-h] [--intervals-out INTVO]
                              [--interval INTV1 INTV2] [--elipbeam]
                              [--datacol DATACOL] [--misc [MISC ...]]
                              [--scalefactor SCALEFACTOR] [--multiscale]
                              [--briggs BRIGGS] [--name [NAME ...]] [--fov FOV]
    positional arguments:
      FILE                  MS file with full directory
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --intervals-out INTVO
                            Number of intervals to output, default is -1,
                            representing for snapshot for all
      --interval INTV1 INTV2
                            Index intervals for imaging, default is '-1 -1'
                            representing for all intervals
      --elipbeam            Use eliptical beam for wsclean, default True, set to
                            False to use circular beam
      --datacol DATACOL     Data column to use, default is CORRECTED_DATA
      --misc [MISC ...]     Miscellaneous options for wsclean, default is empty
      --scalefactor SCALEFACTOR
                            Scale factor for wsclean, default is 3.0
      --multiscale          Use multiscale for wsclean, default is False
      --briggs BRIGGS       Briggs robust parameter for wsclean, default is -0.5
      --name [NAME ...]     Name of the output image, default is empty
      --fov FOV             Field of view for wsclean (asec), default is 10000
  • pymsDatetime2Index

    usage: pymsDatetime2Index [-h] [-t TIME] [--fmt FORMAT] FILE
    positional arguments:
      FILE                  MS file with full directory
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -t TIME, --time TIME  default time format is %H:%M:%S.%f, can be changed by
      --fmt FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                            default is %H:%M:%S.%f
  • pymsIndex2Datetime

    usage: pymsIndex2Datetime [-h] [-i IDX] [--fmt FORMAT] FILE
    positional arguments:
      FILE                  MS file with full directory
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i IDX, --idx IDX     index of the slot
      --fmt FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                            default is %H:%M:%S.%f