Welcome to LOFAR-Sun’s documentation!
LOFAR data processing for Solar and Space Weather.
Project git repository : LOFAR-Sun-tools
Maintainer: Peijin Zhang (pjzhang.cc)
The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a large-scale array of radio telescopes, it can perform multiple flexible type of observations, making it a great instrument for solar and space weather studys:
- Solar imaging:
Interferometry imaging, high spatial resolution (~ arcmin), low time resolution (>0.1s), low frequency resolution (~0.5 MHz).
Tied array beam imaging, high time resolution (1/96s), high frequency resolution (0.02 MHz), low spatial resolution (~ 0.4 Deg).
- Solar spectroscopy:
Beamformed dynamic spectrum, no spatial resolution, high time resolution (1/96s), high frequency resolution (0.02 MHz).
- Heliosphere:
Beamformed dynamic spectrum of quasars, for interplanetary scintillation.
Pulsar observations for solar wind plasma and CMEs.
The common data formats for solar and space weather studys:
(.MS) Interferometry raw data, measurement set. interferometry
(.h5) Beamformed data, HDF5 format. beamformed
(xxx-cube.fits) Beamformed data, fits cube.beamformed
(xxx-image.fits) Interferometry image data.interferometry